Recommendation: Kaspersky Internet Security as antivirus software
Attention: Regarding the current situation I advice you to uninstall Kasperksy
Finding a good antivirus software that complies with data protection regulations is not easy, because many manufacturers transmit user data (and files) for analysis.
Kaspersky does this via the so-called KSN (Kaspersky Security Network). However, Kaspersky tries to get the user’s consent before transmitting data; if this consent is rejected, no data is transmitted. Of course, the software also works without KSN based on virus signatures and regularly updated databases.
Therefore, Kaspersky Internet Security should be the best choice for most users in terms of functionality. Besides the virus protection, there are also some other functions to protect the network and information about available updates of installed software.
Browser plug-ins are also included, which are supposed to protect payment transactions, among other things. However, I personally advise against using these plugins as well as the encrypted web traffic scanning feature and the password manager. I consider the full disclosure of all data in an application to be insecure and the exchange of SSL certificates by an antivirus program to be excessive (and insecure). Of course, in this case, the encrypted web traffic is not immediately scanned for viruses, but if something is downloaded, the scan is still ultimately done by the real-time protection.

Setting to disable scanning of web traffic